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photo poster


foto poster


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maria luisa

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The Photo Poster is the perfect option for framing your favorite photos or creating a personalized work of art that stands out in any space. This frame is made with a double solid 9mm MDF base, with the first layer sized to fit the print on top of another frame of the same cut with a ''Maria Luisa'' frame, which provides the necessary strength and durability to protect your memories for many years.

The 45-degree cut machining adds an elegant and sophisticated touch that fits any style of decoration. In addition, you can customize your Photo Poster with the colors you like best to match your personal taste. To protect it, you can choose between two finish options: a cold lamination protection with various textures or a layer of epoxy resin known as polyester, with glossy, matte, or sparkling finishes that enhance your photos and give them a spectacular look.

Whether you want to decorate your home or office with your favorite photos or frame an important work of art, the Photo Poster is the perfect complement for any wall. Turn your memories into a personalized work of art with the Photo Poster and create a cozy and customized atmosphere in your home that reflects your memories and style. Don't wait any longer to give life to your walls!


  • paper: Any Surface
  • printing service: Fast Print
  • color effects: As Is
  • digital frame type: No
  • file processing: Not Applied Automatic Cropping
  • crop: Automatic Cropping
  • color management: No Color Management
  • color preference: Warm
  • density: Light
  • finish: Texture
  • texture: Diamonds
  • polyester: Brillante
  • color: L0001
  • production warranty: No Solicitado

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